10 Reasons Why Working Out, Just Isn't Working Out
1. You are using it as a punishment for yourself. Exercise shouldn’t be something you do because you feel guilty about the unlimited chicken wings you consumed on Friday night. It should be a regular part of your weekly routine and something you participate in because you love your body and love the way working out makes you feel! Once you change this mindset, everything will change! If you find yourself thinking “Well there goes that, you can’t love working out!” … continue reading! 2. You aren't doing something you enjoy. There are many ways to be active these days, especially with innovative fitness crazes popping up everywhere. You can join a cycle class and pretend you look like Ariana Grande in Side to Side, practice yoga to the sound of Kanye or join a Beyonce inspired dance class! The secret is to pick something that excites you, and will make you return each week! 3. You need to surround yourself with likeminded people. Bring a friend along or make some new friends at your chosen activity. You'll be more likely to workout if you know you're held accountable to somebody. Bonus if the workout is harder than you think, I’d rather suffer with a friend, than suffer alone! 4. You aren't noticing changes straight away so you give up. Everyone's body reacts in different ways to exercise, some people build muscle quicker, some lose weight faster, no matter what your body does you need to have the mind frame that it is still benefitting your body. Everything comes in due time and the more rewarding it will be, when it finally does happen. KEEP GOING, YOU’VE GOT THIS! 5. You aren't fuelling your body correctly. If you aren't eating the right foods and enough of them you won't have energy to function and chances are you'll hit that snooze button on your alarm faster than you can say cheeseburger. Try track what you eat in a day and make sure you are eating a balanced diet! Make note of the days you feel amazing and could move mountains, what did you eat that day? 6. You aren't organised. If you're too busy and stressed with work or other commitments then finding time for a workout might feel impossible. I find it works best if you sit down on a Sunday night and pencil in when you’ll work out that week and what type of exercise it will be. That way you will be more accountable, and you'll ensure to make alterations to your schedule so you can fit in that afternoon run! 7. You don't have goals to work towards. Sometimes we need to have our eye on a prize in order to get the motivation to carry out the exercise. Step 1: Ensure your goal is realistic and achievable. Step 2: Inform other people, make someone proud (preferably not your dog). 8. You're scared or embarrassed. This is a fair reason but remember everyone starts from somewhere! And you can’t let fear stop you from concurring the world! Make sure the environment you're in is supportive and encouraging! There's so many different gyms and clubs out there, with plenty of lovely trainers and members. If something's not working for you, give something else a go! SEIZE THE DAY! 9. You're not getting enough sleep. Studies show that you should be getting around 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Without a normal amount it could be affecting your mood, performance and even alters your ability to lose weight. 10. You thought this was an Anti-Exercise article & hate all forms of exercise... (you still read through all 9 other dot points though, didn't you? You might not hate exercise as much as you think 😉 )